Hey High Achiever,

Isn’t it time you

Played a Bigger Game?





Chalk Style Lines and Strokes

(Your initial consultation is on me)

Dive into a coaching ​experience that’s as ambitious ​and fearless as you are.

Get ready to quantum leap ​your future!



Let’s face it...

Ever feel like you’re just one step ​away from greatness? You’ve already ​tasted success, but deep down, you ​know you’re meant for more.

It’s not just about reaching the top; it’s ​about owning it.

Chalk Style Lines and Strokes


Stuck on the edge of true greatness?

That’s more annoying than a missed high-​five. You’re so close to unlocking your ​potential, yet something’s missing.Or even ​worse... faking it and pretending ​everything is ok.

It’s time to stop playing ​small.

Why just dream about success when ​you can live it?

With 1:1 private coaching, you amplify your ​strengths, supercharge your strategy, and ​accelerate towards those audacious ​goals.


Coaching gives you...

70% increase in work performance,

80% increase in self-confidence,

and 73% improvement in ​relationships.

– International Coaching Federation (ICF)

The mean ROI for companies ​investing in coaching was 7 times the ​initial investment, with over a ​quarter reporting an ROI of 10 to 49 ​times.

– PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)

Canyou afford NOT to invest in coaching?

The Details

My Client engagements range from full-day intensives at ​the most beautiful venues across Europe, project-based ​engagements (usually 1-3 months), to (virtually) ​Unlimited Access to me for 12 months.

Fees range from £800 to £18,000

However you decide to engage me, ​your life will never be the same again.

Chalk Style Lines and Strokes

The “Dirty” Dozen

I ONLY coach 12 clients per year to ensure ​you get the best of me.

My brain becomes your brain, my network ​becomes your network.

I invest heavily in you while investing heavily ​in myself with my own coach and mentors.

Chalk Style Lines and Strokes

Are you one of the Dirty Dozen?

Book your coaching experience »

(Your initial consultation is on me)


Hi! I’m Carolynne.

After doing her Masters in Online Entrepreneurship, she ​had a leadership position at a tech-based Fortune 500 and ​built various businesses in her 20-year Entrepreneurship ​career.

Her personal journey of overcoming multifaceted burnout ​and failure furnishes her with the empathy and authenticity ​to connect deeply with her clients. It gives her a unique ​zone of genius. Her ability to coach the truest, most ​authentic, boldest version of leader out of you in a holistic ​way.

She bridges the gap in traditional siloed coaching by ​combining over two decades of wisdom from more than 15 ​masters across mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual ​disciplines, creating 'The Expansion Codes,' a proven ​transformational framework.


personal Transformation

Areas of Experience & Expertise

Personal Mastery & Self-Improvement

  • Identity Transformation / Mindset Shifts
  • Confidence / Self-Belief
  • Assertiveness / Setting Boundaries
  • Body Language / Owning the Room
  • Self-Love / Emotional Energy Work

Fulfilment, Happiness & Purpose

  • Happiness / Fulfilment
  • Human Design / Life Path Discovery
  • Sense of Purpose / Finding Meaning
  • Visioning / Goal Setting / Legacy Building
  • Manifestation / Law of Assumption
  • A​bundance + Money Mindset

Performance & Productivity

  • Peak Performance / Unlock Potential
  • Productivity / Taking Action
  • Self-Discipline / Overcoming Procrastination
  • Time Management / Organisation Skills

Work-Life, Health & Wellbeing

  • Stress Reduction / Burnout Prevention
  • Nervous System Mastery / Mindfulness Practices
  • Addictions / Bad Habits
  • Biohacking / Sleep / Hormonal Balance
  • Health / Wellbeing
  • Work / Life Balance
City of London, London, UK

Business Transformation

Areas of Experience & Expertise


  • Business Start-Up + Entrepreneurship
  • Image + Personal Brand
  • Product Development + Market Fit
  • Marketing + Sales Consulting
  • Online Sales + Funnel Building
  • C​opywriting + Email Marketing


  • Scaling from Six to Seven Figures and beyond
  • Career Progression / Leadership
  • Operations Management
  • Team Selection / Interviewing
  • D​ata Management + Archetecture
  • E-commerce Infras​tructure + Payment Processing

Kind Words from Clients

Client names and businesses protected as discretion and confidentiality are paramount

“I don’t get to talk about this stuff ​with anyone. Having you as my ​coach is so valuable to me going ​through this intense time.

Thank​ yo​u!

– D


“Was amazing to feel so understood.​ Carolynne made me think “holy​ sh*t” as it was exactly how I was​ feeling about certain aspects of​ where I am right now. She gave me​ so much more clarity and certainty​ in moving forwards. ​

Amazing experience.”​

– C

(Ent​repreneur & Coach)

“I check in with Carolynne every few​ months for a tune up and it’s like​ rocket up my a**! She just gets me​ and I know the next few months​ will be fire!​”

– G


Are you ready?

It’s time to

Play a Bigger Game

(Your initial consultation is on me)

When you book your initial ​conversation we will:


Get to know each other and ​determine we’re a good fit.

I only coach max. 12 people per ​year, six at any one time.


Discuss where you are now, where ​you want to be, and ultimately, ​how we get you there.


Give you the experience of ​coaching on a deeper level than it ​being an idea in your head.

You will have insights and ​breakthroughs in our conversation.

NOTE: Everything we discuss is confidential and discretion is guaranteed. There is no ​judgement and I will guide you through everything.

You can not get this conversation “wrong”.

Conversations are via my private online meeting room or in person in Birmingham, UK

Please schedule 90 minutes for this conversation as I treat this as a real coaching call.

your next season of success

Ready to share your most ​audacious goals with me?

I don’t do typical, yawn-worthy discovery sessions. ​Instead, let’s dive into a bold conversation where ​you reveal your deepest “OMG, I really want this” ​goal—the one you’ve kept under wraps.

(Your initial consultation is on me)