NEWS FLASH: Spreadsheets are so last season. We're building empires with intuition, baby!

Unleash your

"Million-Dollar Intuition":

The Practice That Builds Empires

First Email Goes Out Friday

Are you tired of living from logic, left-brain ​strategy, and what's been done before?

Are you an Ambitious CEO excited to build a ​business aligned with your true self?

Discover a daily practice that connects you with ​your intuition and transforms your business from ​the inside out.

Right brain, intuition led, creative AF...

Introducing The ​Intuition Deck ​Subscription:

Your Twice-Weekly ​Companion

for Intuitive ​Business Growth

Dark Phone Blur Shadow
Laptop Computer Isolated

For Visionary, ​Intuitive ​Founders


“Left Brain ​Heavy” ​Entrepreneurs

  • Tap into your innate wisdom and intuition.
  • Create a thriving business that reflects your true self.
  • Make decisions aligned with your deepest values.

Cos it's time to...

  • Discover the hidden power of intuitive practices in ​building empires - right-brain creativity.
  • Tap into the same intuitive strategies used by visionary ​business leaders - Steve Jobs did it, so can you!
  • Gain access to ancient wisdom, repackaged and remixed ​for modern entrepreneurial success.

How it works & ​what you’ll​ receive​

Build a business strategy rooted in your true ​wisdom and experience the transformative effect ​of aligning your business with your intuitive ​self. It’s how empires are built.

A detailed explanation of an intuition card, delivered to your ​inbox twice a week.

» Monday to start your week with intention.

» Friday to end your week with reflection.

Powerful spark questions accompanying each card

» Get to the heart of what your true self is saying to you.

A real life scenario to show each card in action

» No woo woo fluffiness - a real life “Entrepreneur in the ​trenches” scenario.

Guidance to start and end your week with intention, clarity ​and in touch with your intuition.

» No more second guessing your next bold move or ​following the gurus.

"The Intuition Deck has become ​my secret weapon. It's helped tap ​into my creativity on a daily basis ​more than I could before."

- Me… using it to tap into innovative ideas like this one 🤍

Say bye to:

❌ Feeling disconnected from your work and putting in ​the hours, not your heart into your business.

❌ Doubting your inner guidance and second guessing your ​next move... we need you alive, aligned and actively creating ​a future for us to follow.

Compromising your values for success... we want the ​whole of you, not a watered down version, please.

Say hola to:

✅ Deeper connections with yourself and your clients, ​building trust and resonance to attract exactly who you love ​to work with.

Aligned business growth instead of pushing and ​hustling your way to the top... cos who wants to arrive ​at the party exhausted?

✅ More confidence and trust in your decisions and ​direction... bold moves and quantum leaps come as standard.


And receive...

Friday » End of Quarter Review ​Bumper Edition to close out Q2 with ​acknowledge of how far you’ve come.

Monday » Start Q3 and the Summer ​Season with an “Set Your Intentions” ​Bumper Edition.

Ready to turn your "Million-​Dollar Intuition" into an Empire?

Right-brain, intuition led, creative AF...

this way please...

First Email Goes Out Friday

Important Stuff

How do you choose the cards?

I pull a card and send out corresponding magic. If I find it’s ​repeating then I’ll send the same card AND a bonus card so you ​always get a new card to experiment with.

Will I receive a physical card or deck?

Not at the moment, this is an email only subscription where you’ll ​receive an intuition card twice a week - Monday and Friday.

Can I pause my subscription?

Of course. Everything is self service.

How much is it?

£5 per month or £50 per year.